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Articles tagged with: Credit Score

Credit Repair »

[6 Oct 2024 | No Comment | 2,698 views]
Does Your Credit Score Need a Tweak? Here’s How!

A credit score is either a blessing or a curse cast down upon you from the digital cloud. A score of 740 qualifies you for the best interest rate on a conventional mortgage. A score under 640 means ugly interest, and a number under 620 makes it very hard to get a mortgage at all.

Fico Scores »

[1 Oct 2024 | One Comment | 27,122 views]
Fix Your Credit FICO Score in a Hurry With a Rapid Rescore

A few credit score points can mean the difference between a good mortgage rate, a lousy one or getting a loan at all. But take heart — If errors are dragging down your score, you can get them fixed, just in time for your much-anticipated closing.

Rebuilding Credit »

[30 Sep 2024 | No Comment | 5,392 views]
7 Steps After Bankruptcy to Increasing Your Credit Score

There are many advantages to having a good credit score. Qualifying for lower interest rates, ability to get approved for loans and lines of credit, and paying less on loans for items such as homes and automobiles to name a few.

Credit Repair Letters »

[27 Sep 2024 | One Comment | 4,926 views]
How to Write a Credit Dispute Letter

Writing a quality credit dispute letter will help you get the results you want to improve your credit score. There are many samples available on the Internet, but you have to ensure that they contain certain elements before you copy and use them. Here are some qualities of a successful credit dispute letter and advice on including them in yours.

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[26 Sep 2024 | 3 Comments | 11,047 views]
The Credit Score Banks Look for When Approving a Home Mortgage Loan

If you’re nervously waiting to see if that mortgage loan you have applied for will be approved, here is what the bank is basically looking at — Your 4 C’s.